Sunday, August 18, 2013

#997 weekend recap

This has been kind of a strange weekend.

It started on Friday afternoon. I left work a little early because MT and I were heading out to Wendover, NV to celebrate our anniversary. We were going to see Willie Nelson in concert, then spend the night there at one of the casinos. On the way out of town, I checked my email to make sure I had the room confirmation. New emails loaded and the first one that popped up was an announcement that the Willie Nelson show had been cancelled. BOOOOO :(

We went out anyway, but it was a bummer for me. I was looking forward to seeing Willie. The hotel gave us a discount on our room and the concert tickets will be refunded, but still. We ate at the seafood buffet. The big thing there is crab legs. I think crab tastes good, but it's pretty labor intensive to get the meat out and you don't get much meat for all the work you do. The buffet made it pretty easy. The legs were cut in half so all you had to do was drag your fork down the leg to get the meat. I was amazed by the number of crab legs people were eating. There were people walking around with two plates piled high with legs.

After dinner, we roamed around the casino and played video poker. The way I figure it, we got six beers for around $50. That is not a healthy way to think about it, but that's the bottom line.

We slept in until around 10 AM, then had some breakfast and headed back to SLC. We got home around 1:30. The house was still standing and everything was fine with T. He said he enjoying playing his music really loud at 3 AM.

I wasn't feeling very well when we got home. I think I have allergies. I was coughing and sniffling and sneezing and aching. I took a nap but woke up still feeling yucky, so I bought some allergy medicine. It knocked me out. I went to bed at 8:30 PM and woke up around 8 AM. I've been feeling groggy all day. I had to go back to the store and buy some non-drowsy meds. They didn't work nearly as well.

This afternoon T and I went to a work function at the zoo. It was fine. I hadn't been to the zoo in a couple of years. They have made some nice improvements to it.

This summer, T really got into the show Breaking Bad on AMC. He watched all the previous seasons on NetFlix. Now the show is down to its final six episodes. I watched last week and this week.  T has been telling me about it as he was watching, so I figure I know enough about the show to follow along. The acting and the writing are very good. I'm looking forward to next week's episode.

1 comment:

Kteach said...

Too bad the trip didn't go as planned, but at least you had some time off and ate crabs :)
Sorry about Marty being laid off, it's the economy.
He can catch up and work on his properties, and I'm sure something will come up that he may like better.
It'll be a little hard but you can adapt, maybe a few changes here and there, but it will all work out!
I am sending good vibes starting right now!. Love you all!