Monday, May 13, 2013

#928 a most peaceful, relaxing evening

I have had such a nice, relaxing evening! Usually when I get home from work, I'm in a hurry to do a bunch of things: make dinner, clean up or whatever. Not tonight! We had leftovers from the abundance that MT cooked last night, so we just warmed up what we wanted to eat. MT and T watched a movie (Jack Reacher) and I read my book and played games on my beloved iPhone. I even went outside to sit on the deck because it was so nice out.

Actually, it was over 90 degrees here today. I'm glad I turned on the AC before I left for work or the house would be stifling.

So all I did tonight was clean up the dishes from today and I threw in a load of laundry just now. I like it!

Now I am going to download my new Gatsby CD into my iTunes. And I may buy the new Michael Buble CD with the iTunes gift card I got yesterday :)

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