Tuesday, May 14, 2013

#929 you probably are

The other day I was at Kohls looking around at some clothes. Sitting just outside the ladies dressing room was an older woman. After a few minutes of sitting by herself, a lady in her mid-thirties or so came over to the older lady and showed her some clothes. Then they had this conversation:

30-something: Look at these cute shirts I found in the juniors section!

Older lady: Oh those are cute. Are those shirts for the girls?

30-something: No, I picked them out for myself.

Older lady: Oh. Those are cute.

30-something: Maybe I'm getting too old to shop in the juniors section.

Older lady: Oh no. Those will look cute on you.

Here's my thought...if you are old enough to question whether you should shop in the juniors section, you probably are too old to shop there. It's ok to shop in the grown-up section. There are nice things there and some things are even a little trendy and cute.

Maybe I'm being mean. I really don't care what section of the store you shop, but just hearing that brief conversation made me think about the whole concept.

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