Sunday, May 12, 2013

#927 staying hydrated, biking and music

So there I was, outside on the deck, reading the book An Abundance of Katherines and smugly sipping from my extra large glass of water. I have a big cup that hold 24 oz of water, and I was on my second such cup of the morning.

In the book, suddenly, is a reference to how people think they need to drink eight glasses of water every day, but it has not been scientifically proven to have any health benefits. I was appalled. Haven't we been hearing for years that we need to drink at least eight glasses of water a day to keep our body hydrated and to flush out impurities?

I rushed right upstairs and jumped on the internet and guess what? John Green is right. I read several articles that said you should drink eight glasses of liquid a day to avoid dehydration, but it doesn't necessarily have to be water. Of course, water is nice because it doesn't have any calories or additives like caffeine or sugar or sugar substitutes, but it's just another beverage.

Now I was faced with a dilemma: do I continue to challenge myself to drink eight glasses (64 oz) of water a day? I decided I would continue with the challenge. Water tastes good and it does make me feel full and does stop me from eating random crap if I make myself have a drink of water when I think I'm feeling hungry. 


I rode my bike today. I went about 18 miles in 1:21. I wasn't setting any speed records, that's for sure, but it was my longest ride of the year and I felt pretty good. My bum is a little sore, though. It was quite warm today, around 83 degrees, and the sun felt good on my arms and legs. I was pretty sweaty when I was done with the ride. I drank a lot of water during the ride, which I do NOT count in my eight glasses a day challenge since I think I'm just replacing sweat when I'm riding. I did stop at McDonalds for a large diet coke after the ride. It was the best diet coke I've had in days. It actually brought a tear to my eye, it was so delicious. I was really, really thirsty. I got the diet coke in Centerville and it was finished by Bountiful. (Those two towns are not very far apart.)
One more thing...

Today is Mother's Day in the U.S. or as we like to call it at my house, Sunday.  Actually, MT and T both gave me a gift, the gift of music. MT gave me an iTunes gift card and T gave me The Great Gatsby soundtrack, so that's cool. MT also made dinner AND cleaned up the kitchen. I'm still waiting for a hug and a kiss from my only child. We'll see if he delivers. ;)

Hope you had a good one!

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