Saturday, May 11, 2013

#926 The Great Gatsby

I finished the book The Great Gatsby this morning, because T and I were planning on seeing the movie, so I wanted the story to be fresh in my mind. T asked me if the book was sad and I replied that I didn't think it was sad because the characters are all pretty unlikable.

We went to see the movie this afternoon, and I absolutely loved it! In typical Baz Luhrman fashion, the movie is a feast for the eyes. The party scenes are visually delightful. There is so much going on and so much color and so much of everything, you just have to sit back and absorb it. Luhrman has a way of making the actors look exceptionally beautiful. T said he thought they looked like plastic because they are so perfect. The first time you see Daisy, she looks gorgeous. And the first time you finally really see Gatsby, well, I admit that he took my breath away. I actually felt myself inhale and say, "Oooh."

Of course, Leonardo DiCaprio plays Jay Gatsby. I like Leo, but I've never been in loooooove with him before today. He looked F-I-N-E fine!

The first part of the movie is all fun and games as we learn about the characters and see the wild, debauched side of the Roaring 20s. The second part of the movie, when Jay and Daisy finally get together, is full of angst and despair and rage and selfishness. It's fantastic to watch.

After reading the book, I thought everyone was unlikable. After the movie, I only think that Tom and Daisy are unlikable. Nick (Tobey Maguire) is just the middle-man, the storyteller, the link between it all, but I don't think he's a bad guy. Gatsby himself is so absorbed in his plan to win Daisy that you kind of pity him. Jordan is just there. Tom and Daisy are awful. They have no redeeming human characteristics that I can think of.

Did I mention that Leo looked incredible?

A couple more thoughts on the film. First, I loved the fashion. The hair, the jewelry, the clothes, all of it was divine.

Second, the soundtrack was good too. There was only one part of the movie that I thought went too far. Jay and Nick are driving into "town" (NYC) and they zoom past a car of African Americans who are drinking and jamming to the Jay-Z song "Izzo". It was kind of funny but also strange and self-serving. I guess it goes with the theme of the whole movie, actually.

That's all I've got to say about that, I think. Bottom line, I thought it was good.

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