Saturday, January 18, 2014

#1095 family movie night - Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit

This afternoon we went to see Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit. I've been interested in seeing this movie since I first saw the trailer in November or December. For one thing, it stars Chris Pine. I like him.

For another thing, Kevin Costner is also in this movie.

I have loved Kevin Costner for a long, long time, probably since he was Crash Davis in Bull Durham.

I just learned that it is Kevin Costner's birthday today, January 18. Happy birthday Kevin Costner! You are still awesome!

Anyway, back to Jack Ryan...

I enjoyed this movie. There was good action and the actors were fun to watch. I think Jack Ryan, a character created by the late Tom Clancy, is interesting. I've liked almost all the Jack Ryan movies. This one was a little funky because in it, Jack goes to Afghanistan (he's young; Chris Pine is Jack) and if  you are a Clancy/Jack Ryan fan, you know that Jack did not go to Afghanistan. Maybe this is a new spin on the character. MT didn't like the movie as much as I did because of that timing thing. T thought it was pretty average and MT agreed with him. Maybe I'm just a sucker for a pretty face, but I liked it a bit more than they did. It was a fun way to spend a couple of hours.

Tomorrow: I will show off the kitchen's facelift!

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