I am slouching to new levels of laziness. I've been sitting on my bed watching sports for several hours now. I watched the end of the Panthers/Cards football game, then I flipped back and forth between the Jazz/Timberwolves game and the Steelers/Ravens game. I've been texting with my sister, my mom and my BFF and playing games on my phone. I am just savoring the last remnants of vacation, I guess :)
Today I went to WW and I was down 2.2 lbs from last week! I'm glad, but I realize that my gain was during Christmas week and I just went back to watching what I was eating this week and keeping track of everything. Still, it's a good start. I have set a goal for myself to lose 40 pounds this year (40!!) It will be tough, but it will be worth the effort.
Speaking of worth, I have decided that WORTH is my word for the year. You know I've been telling you about doing an "Unravelling the Year Ahead" exercise? Well part of it is picking a word to sort of guide you and be a bit of a mantra for the year.
I had two words picked out: STRETCH and WORTH. I liked STRETCH because it's an action word that applies to the physical and the mental. I want to stretch my body and exercise more this year and I also want to stretch my mind by taking more travel classes and even learning Spanish. Having STRETCH as my word would remind me to exercise and study.
I like WORTH for a few reasons. For one thing, it will remind me that I have worth. I have value. Sometimes I really suffer from lack of confidence and I hope that remembering my word will remind me that I am worthy. How many times have I passed something by because I didn't think I was worth it? How many times have I felt that I without value at work? Many times, actually. Now I will have my words and my mantra (via Drake): Know yourself/Know your worth. Another thing about worth...it's a good question to ask myself when I'm spending time playing on my phone or staring at the TV watching something I don't really care about. Is this activity really worth my time? As I've mentioned, I have things I want to accomplish this year and I will need to make sure I'm spending my time in worthwhile ways. The last reason for choosing worth involves WW. In a meeting we had recently, we talked about making sure the food we eat is worthy of us and if a treat or a certain food is worth the points we have to spend on it.
So there you have it. WORTH it is!
Clearly I wasn't employing my word today when I chose to sit around watching sports. On the other hand, maybe I did. I am really enjoying this bit of downtime before I get back to "real" life on Monday. I refuse to beat myself up about taking it easy when I think I need to. Right?!
1 comment:
right on, sister!
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