Thursday, January 8, 2015

#1341 happy birthday Elvis


Today would have been Elvis Presley's 80th birthday. 

I don't often indulge in the "What if?" thing, but what if Elvis hadn't died in 1977 at 42? Would he have continued to make music? He probably could have had one of those cushy gigs in Las Vegas like Celine Dion and Brittney Spears. Would he have advised Lisa Marie not to marry Michael Jackson? Or would the King of Rock and Roll have embraced the King of Pop as a son-in-law? Would people still flock to Graceland in the hope of seeing Elvis? Would he have gone on a health kick and trimmed down and become old-but-still-hot Elvis? Would he have gone gray or gone bald? Would he have been on Celebrity Apprentice or had some type of reality show?

I've often thought that you are either an Elvis person or a Beatles person. I believe I am an Elvis person. Which one are you?


Lizzie said...

I really like Elvis, but I am a Beatles person. Here's another question: Beatles or Rolling Stones?

emtes said...

I am an Elvis person for sure. I remember the year he did, August 1977. The same year in December I was in London and I remember they showed Elvis film as marathon. Great experience.
But I do also like the Beatles for their musis. My first ever Christmas gift from a boyfriend was "Hello goodbye"
I also like Rolling Stones but nowadays most H.E.A.T :-)