Friday, May 27, 2016

#1683 graduation day!

Today was marked the culmination of T's public school career. He walked across the stage at the Huntsman Center this afternoon and received his high school diploma. It was a fantastic family day. Both sets of T's grandparents were here to celebrate as well as his aunt Lizzie.

After the ceremony we came back to our house and had a little celebration with lots of food and laughter and toasts and love.

As I was driving T to the arena for the graduation, I had a flashback to his first ever day of kindergarten. He was so small and had such a huge backpack. And now he's a high school graduate. I knew this day would come, but the reality is kind of intense.

1 comment:

emtes said...

Thank you for all the photos. I love to see Tristan's graduation. I do wonder how you celebrate? I know about the ceremony at school. But then what happens? You have like meet and greet afterwards on the scoolyard with parents, family and friends? Do they get flowers (the graduates)? Champagne? Do they go in cars or trucks together on town?
Do you have dinner? Party?
I would love to hear how you do it.
In Sweden the graduates always have a farewell lunch with their teachers and everyone in the school that has helped them during the years.
Then they run out to waiting family, relatives, friends etc. There they are hunged with things like flowers, small champagne bottles, cuddle toys etc.
Then they are off on trucks (the whole class often together) driving round town with lots of music, dancing and drinking.
After that the graduate arrives to the house and are greated with champagne, lots of presents, food and so on. And later in the evening the graduates themselves have a big party.
That's how it's done here :-) By the way they are allowed to drink alcohol when they are 18 (in restaurants)
I hope you all had a great day and I'm so happy that both your Mom and Dad were able to come.
Love you and give a big hug to everyone