Tuesday, March 13, 2018

#2013 walking in circles

I've had stuff to do in the evening last night and tonight, so I haven't been able to get to the gym. Since I am determined to not make a payment on my Apple watch this month, I have to get those 10,000 steps in for my 10 points. Fortunately the weather has been nice the past couple of days, so I have taken a walk outside on the track at my office during lunch break.

There is something sort of meditative about walking around the track. I turn on some music and just walk. I don't think about anything other than the music. I focus on the lyrics. It's restful for my mind and good for my body, so win-win!

Last night was the final discussion in the Twitter book club I joined. I thoroughly enjoyed participating in that group and I liked the book very much also! Can't wait to find out what the next book will be.

Tonight MT and I are going to the Jazz game. We haven't been to a game for awhile, so I'm extremely happy to be able to go! Here's hoping for a win over the Pistons tonight! Go Jazz!

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