Monday, July 9, 2018

#2063 today was delightful because...

I have a fun little book called Q & A a Day, a five year journal. 365 questions, five years, 1,825 answers. I totally enjoy answering a question every day. I'm almost through the first year; I started it on July 16 last year. What is extra fun is that I gave the same book to Mom and Lizzie on that same day. I wonder if they are still playing with it?

Sometimes trying to figure out what to write here can be hard. I have topics for each day of the week to fall back on when I get stuck, but I don't have a fall-back topic for Monday. Enter the little brown Q & A book.

Today's "question" is Today was delightful because ______

It was delightful because I didn't feel tired. I got a good night's sleep so I felt rested. I wasn't dreading going to work (sometimes that can happen on Monday, even when work doesn't suck). I felt comfortable in my clothes. My workload was manageable and kind of fun. I had my meals all planned and packed, so I wasn't stressed about what to eat. I had a chance to take a lunch break and I read a bit of one of my current books. (There are three.) I finished up what I was working on and left work a little early so I could get to the vet to pick up Osi's meds. I had the time to get a load of laundry going before I joined the discussion in the Twitter-based book club of one of the three books I'm reading. The discussion was interesting and intelligent. People "liked" what I had to say and there were even some retweets. (That always makes you feel good!) After the discussion, I prepared one of my favorite meals, sheet pan chicken fajitas which MT and I thoroughly enjoyed. I got my kitchen cleaned up, watered my plants and read for a few minutes before coming up to my room to wait for my sister and my mom to call for our regular Monday chat. It looks like it wants to storm outside; I saw some lightning when I was taking out the garbage. I'm hopeful that a little rain will cool everything off, a least for awhile.

Today was delightful.


Kteach said...

Yes I'm still doing the book and I think L does too. It's fun, some things are easy to answer but some makes you think.
Most of my answers are just one word or two, I don't write long sentences. I had trouble with yesterday's entry, I haven't written anything yet.

Lizzie said...

Yes, I'm still 'playing' with the book. I do it every night before bed. It's a nice little ritual. I started on August 1 because I had some weird thing about starting in the middle of the month.