Wednesday, April 24, 2019

#2192 WW Wednesday

I didn't go to a WW workshop last week and in the past two weeks I seem to have forgotten I am in WW at all. No tracking, no planning, not much care about what goes in my face. I thought that maybe this week I would get myself back together after a week off, but that didn't happen. It's okay, though, because I'm in this weight loss thing for the long haul and a stumble along the way is going to happen.

In the Monday post I wrote that MT and I were going to the Jazz game and they won! It was lots of fun and an exciting game. I admit that my voice was a little scratchy on Tuesday morning. The place was so loud and the atmosphere was electric. The crowd was so into every single play. At one point in the fourth quarter with only a couple of minutes left, there was a time out and everyone stood up and started clapping. It took me a minute or two to figure out that there was music playing. I couldn't hear the music because the clapping was so loud. Crazy.

Tonight was Game 5, another elimination game for the Jazz. Sadly, the Jazz lost and now their season is over. The Jazz had a chance tonight, but the shots weren't falling. I feel sad that the Jazz season is over. I'll continue to watch the playoffs, but it won't be must see TV.

Now I'll take my sad chubby self off to bed.

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