Monday, April 22, 2019

#2191 miscellaneous Monday

I've always kind of liked the word miscellaneous. I like the way it sounds. I like that it has 13 letters - 13 letters! so many! - and I like that it encompasses such a variety of stuff. Plus it starts with an M as does Monday, thus Miscellaneous Monday.

Have you missed me? Probably not because I was actually hanging out with you (Mom and Lizzie). For the other five readers, I was hanging out in southern California with my mom and my sister. We split the time between San Diego and LA and I will tell you why it wasn't just a random visit another day. I'll just say right now that I had a good time; I enjoyed the nice weather and spending time with my two favorite women.

Tonight MT and I are going to watch our beloved Jazz play in what may be, but hopefully isn't, the final game of the season. It's the playoffs and the Jazz are competing against the Houston Rockets. The Jazz had a chance to win game 3, but it didn't happen, so tonight is an elimination game. I have no doubt that the atmosphere in the arena will be electric as nearly 20,000 Jazz fans will, by sheer force of volume and will and maybe some prayers, cheer their team to victory. I'm sure there are not many of us who think the team will come back from a 3-0 deficit, but the dream is there!  That's what being a fan is all about, isn't it, cheering for your team against all odds.

First a bite to eat, then to the arena for playoff basketball.

Go Jazz!

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