Tuesday, April 10, 2012

#673 have to find out how it ends

Here's what happened to me today:

I've been reading a book, and it's been ok, kinda slow, but all right. Until today, when I just couldn't wait to find out what was going to happen. Did she burn down the hotel? Ooh! Gladys is going to be so pissed! What if that girl is her sister or her cousin? Will she get together with that guy? What will happen to the little boy? Will the two old people fall in love and get married? Will she ever pull it all together and be happy?

There's only about 40 pages left to the book. I'm pretty sure I'll have to finish it tonight.

Has this ever happened to you? You think you don't really care about a story - it's just something to read - and then you find you can't seem to put it down?

I love it when that happens! :)

1 comment:

mamacita said...

I totally know the feeling!