Tuesday, March 19, 2013

#894 my baby is 15!

Oh my gosh! I can't believe that my beautiful boy is 15 years old. He's officially a man-child. He can get his learner driver's permit. He's taller than I am. He eats a lot of junk food. He is in turn surly and sweet. He loves music and movies. I don't know if this information would please him or not, but he is just about my favorite person in the whole wide world. :o)

How did we celebrate the birthday? Well, T had play practice until 6 PM (performances start tomorrow!). I picked him up and brought him home where we showered him with gifts: a new video game, an iTunes gift card, a DVD, some chocolate, and the new Justin Timberlake CD. (I'm not sure which one of us was more excited about the CD. Both of us are really digging JT right now!) He also enjoyed receiving gifts from his aunt Lizzie and from Grammy and Grandpa.

The three of us then went to dinner at Chipotle. After filling up on tacos, I was hoping to get cupcakes from The Sweet Tooth Fairy, but the shop was closed. We came home, MT went to bed (he has sleeping troubles, so he goes to bed really early knowing he will wake up in the middle of the night), so I took T over to Game Stop so he could get a game with some b-day money. We also went to the grocery store and bought a single/double serving of cake so I could take his picture blowing out the candles.

You may be thinking that I am a bad mom not to have a cake all ready for my only child. Let me explain: he wants a cake from Costco and I told him that he would have to have friends over to share it. So we will have Costco cakes and friends on Friday. But yes, I did feel like a bad mom for not having something ready for my baby, hence, the late Smith's run for red velvet cake.

Just for fun, take a look at T when he was 5:

He's adorable!!!

Here is he is tonight, at 15:

 He's still adorable!

The photo is a little glare-y and maybe a little out of focus because I was giggling pretty hard when I took the photo with my beloved iPhone. I still like it. Look at that cute smile :-)

Happy 15th birthday, boy! Here's wishing you many, many, many happy birthdays to come!

1 comment:

Kteach said...

same smile! love him :)
Happy Birthday!