Thursday, July 18, 2013

#978 throwback Thursday

Apparently there is some kind of phenomenon known as Throwback Thursday where you post an old photo of yourself on a social media site. My sister Lizzie has done it, and I think it's pretty fun. I haven't done it before and because I'm a little slow on the uptake, I'm just now getting around to it.

Here's what I put on FB:

Yep, that's me at three years old. I know...I'm adorable! Look at those red curls! Look at that stylish Easter ensemble! And yes, even at three my eyes were closed when a photo was taken. I can't seem to help myself.

The reason I can be so effusive in my comments on this photo is that I have absolutely no memory of this picture being taken. I know the little girl is me, but I don't have much connection with her in my memories. Does that make sense? So when I see photos of me as a little kid, I just think I'm looking at a photo of a little kid, especially if no one else is in the photo. It's weird, kind of. I remember being a kid when my sister was born, but not too much before that. But I remember a couple of old dogs that my grandparents had when I was little, Renny and Woofie.


I'll probably TBT again (that's Throwback Thursday, you know!)

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