Wednesday, July 24, 2013

#982 Happy Pioneer Day

Today is Pioneer Day, a state holiday in Utah. On July 24, 1947, Brigham Young entered the Salt Lake Valley and declared "This is the place" and the rest is history.

MT and I both had the day off from work today. It was pretty divine. We have been resting and relaxing and pretty much doing just as we please today. It's nice to have a "free" day that doesn't have any demands or things that we need to do.

I went for a bike ride this morning. MT went to the rental while I was riding, and we got home around the same time. Later, I cooked while T and MT did some yardwork. Now we are all watching a movie (of course).

Did you notice that I didn't write yesterday? Here's why: I went to bed at 8:00. 8:00! I was just so tired that I couldn't stay up another minute. Actually, I could have. I do it all the time, power through because I think it's too early for bed. Then I get a second wind and then it's 11:30. So I went to bed even though the sun was still up and both of the boys thought I was nuts. I slept until about 7:30 this morning, so I'm not tired today :)

Ok, time to watch the movie!

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