Sunday, July 28, 2013

#986 looking forward to getting out of town

Today has been nice. I only wanted to accomplish three things today: do the laundry, go to the grocery store and pay the bills. Check, check and check. I was able to take my time and relax and enjoy the day. I read a lot and finished the book I started on Thursday or Friday. (It was really good. I'll write about it on my 2013 Reading page.)

Yesterday I started the day out feeling kind of blue. I was thinking what a boring summer it has been. I haven't been anywhere except to Pocatello for Aunt Gerri's funeral, and that wasn't exactly fun. I miss not going on a nice vacation this year. I just feel like I've been working and not having any fun. Part of it is because MT is working every Saturday, so we don't even have the chance to go to Poky and just hang out with the family.

Then I started thinking that I actually have been out of town this year. In February I was in California to visit my folks. In March T and I went to Oklahoma City. In April the three of us went to Missouri for Kevin and Janet's wedding. I could have gone to Island Park in June, but chose not to (and have regretted that decision.) At the end of August, I will go to San Diego/La Mirada to see the family and watch a baseball game, so that's good. I'll probably get to California again later in the year, so that will be fun. Plus, MT really wants to go to Yellowstone sometime, maybe even in August. I'll get out a little bit!

After I perked myself up, I felt better and it's been a nice weekend. Am I ready to go back to work? Not sure about that, but I'll do it anyway.

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