Thursday, November 22, 2018

#2132 Thanksgiving bloat

Oh my gosh...I tried to keep it mellow with the food, but everything was so delicious and so not-the- norm that I, of course, overdid it.  Linda smoked a turkey on her Traeger grill and it was crazy good. It was juicy and smoky and tender and wonderful. I had a lot of turkey, which is fine. John and Amanda brought over sausage & cheese stuffed mushrooms; Tracy made soft dinner rolls; Kevin and Janet made grits with shrimp and peppers that made me swoon. I think my downfall was the appetizers...I over-indulged there.

I was calm at dessert time. I had a sliver of Linda's key lime pie and a little square of my chocolate cake. My belly is so full it's straining against my jeans.

Fasting tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Kteach said...

Love the graphic. Glad you had a nice time in Idaho :)