Tuesday, January 1, 2019

#2148 here we go!


I read a tweet yesterday about the new year being just a thin membrane separating days on a calendar, but doesn't it seem kind of monumental and completing different to change a whole calendar from one year to another? It sort of feels like a clean slate and fresh start where new possibilities can actually happen. The feeling is different somehow from just changing over month to month. Or maybe it's just me.

Last night I spent a bit of time reflecting on 2018. It certainly had it's ups and downs. My (top) bottom three things were my dad's death, T's treatment and MT falling off the ladder. Fortunately I had a lot of really cool things that happened in 2018 that although they didn't erase the grief and worry, it made me smile and think that things would be all right.

I got to go on a few great trips: Mazatlan, San Francisco and Savannah with a couple of trips to Southern California thrown in for good measure. I saw lots and lots of live music. I had time to give to Red Butte Garden which soothes my soul and calms my mind whenever I go there. T is in a better place than he was at this time last year. My mom is healthy and happy. My sister is doing great. MT is healthy and ready to take on some new challenges this year. Every year has it's ups and downs. It just felt like the downs in 2018 were severe.

MT are now officially in countdown mode for our epic trip to Thailand (one month and seven days for those of you following along at home!). Stuff that needs to happen include getting visas for Cambodia and making sure we have proper clothing that will keep us comfortable for the hot weather in Southeast Asia and for visiting Buddha. I'm pretty sure this month is going to fly by. I have butterflies in my tummy over this trip!

It's been a wonderful break, but it's back to the office tomorrow. I'll check back in with y'all on Wednesday to make sure we did okay these first couple days back (except for you retirees,,,you keep on keepin' on).

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Take a look at my 2018 Reading Page! I finished 63 books last year, which I believe is a personal best. Shout out to all my book clubs for giving me such great suggestions and to the YA books that rule the world.

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