Wednesday, March 20, 2024

#2888 three things: spring, taste buds, and happy birthday

 1. Happy Spring! The warmer temperatures and pleasant breezes are welcome in my life. I am delighted by the budding leaves at the tippy-top of my maple trees, the spring bulbs that are peaking out of the ground and showing their wee flowers, and even the extra few minutes of daylight in the evenings. I'm not a big fan of daylight savings time; in the summer, I don't enjoy going to bed when the sun is still in the sky at 9:30 pm, but right now it is fine because the sun goes down around 7:30 or so. 

We were in northern California over the weekend, and it was beautiful there. Trees and flowers were blooming all over the place, and temperatures in the low-to-mid 70s. It was glorious! There is a big magnolia tree in the front yard of the house, and it was an explosion of pink blossoms. 

2. Changing tastes. I read or heard somewhere that a person's tastes in food change every seven years or so. I totally believe this, although I'm less clear on the time frame. There are a couple of examples of this in my life: I didn't eat avocados until I was 50 or so, and now I can't get enough of them. Also, as recently as a year ago, I couldn't seem to go a day without a Diet Coke, and now I don't even like the taste of cola. Who would have thunk it? I think my tastes may be changing again, because right now, all I want to eat is salad and I have a deep yearning to eat roasted vegetables, which is completely out of character for me, an avowed carnivore. I see videos of Mediterranean diet recipes featuring a lot of roasted veg and I find myself thinking, "Damn, that looks good." I don't see myself turning vegan or vegetarian, but I think I'm going to have to explore some new recipes. (I think I just heard my mom fall over in shock.)

3. Happy birthday, T! Yesterday was my son's 26th birthday. He's having a bit of a rough time, struggling with some depression in general and birthday blues in particular. 26 is kind of a big deal, since the government says he can no longer be on my insurance. (He does have insurance that we got through the exchange.) I worry about him, though. He's in a rut, and doesn't seem to know how to get out of it, and it is sad for me to see him feeling sad. He may be a man(child), but he's still my boy.

1 comment:

Kteach said...

The sky in Dixon was so blue, beautiful!
And I didn't fall and hit my head when you said you'll try new recipes. I'm all for that.
I didn't eat onions until I came to the US and thought onion rings were calamares lol I liked them anyway :)
Tristan is a true Pisces. Read about it sometime.