Wednesday, May 15, 2024

#2897 three things: new bathroom vibe, time to deck, comfort

1. New bathroom vibe. It's not much, but it made a difference. I replaced the shower curtain and bathroom rug. The old curtain was dirty, and yeah, I've washed it, but I was just tired of it, and of the rug too. The rug was trodden upon; it would never again have the poof it used to have. The old curtain was a school of fish - cute fish - in blue, grey, and pale green. The rug was also pale green. Now I have oranges on the shower curtain, and an orange rug to go with it. When the sun shines through the bathroom window in the morning, it feels like summer. It's a new vibe, and I am all about it!

Not a morning photo, but how cute!

2. Time to deck. The sun is rising earlier in the morning. When I let the dogs out at 6am, the sun is already hitting the back deck. The mornings are still kind of cool, but I think it will be okay to wear a jacket or a hoodie and sit out on the deck with a cup of coffee in the morning before I start working, at least on WFH days. I'm a little too rushed to do that on office days. I mentioned that a couple of the plants I had on the deck last year are back (hello Russian sage!), and this weekend I'm planning to hit up Lowe's (Lowes's? Lowes'?) plant area to get some flowering plants for the deck. One of the true, simple joys of my summer is to sit on the deck and look at the flowers and enjoy some sort of peaceful outside time. I qualify the time as "sort of peaceful" because I do live on a busy road, and Stella the Dog is kind of a maniac with her frisbee. Still, it's really pleasant. I saw some citronella plants at Lowes when I was there doing my preview visit. I might buy one or two of those plants to ward off the mosquitos. I'll post a pic of the deck when the flowers are planted.

3. Comfort. Do you know my favorite thing to do in the evening? After dinner, when my chores are done and it is me time, I love to put on a clean, soft t-shirt, fleece jammy pants, and my super-soft Wellow compression socks. It all makes me feel so cozy. Yes, I even do it in the summer! I don't sleep in the fleece jammies or socks, but before bed, oh yeah, it feels good to be so comfy and cozy. Right now I am sporting this look. No photo available.

A week or two ago I wrote about the bridal veil spirea plant in the north 40 of my yard. There are two bushes, and one is in full bloom. Check it out!

1 comment:

Lizzie said...

love the new bathroom look and the bridal veil plant!