Tuesday, March 27, 2012

#667 conversations with myself

My sister pointed something out to me over the weekend and it's been on my mind since then. In fact, I've been having a serious talk with myself about it. See, that's the issue...I talk to myself and I do it ALL THE TIME. Most of the time, I just talk to myself in my head, but sometimes I talk out loud. Even when I'm by myself, I've discovered.

Lizzie says that I am narrating my life. Like when I'm playing with my beloved iPhone, I will comment on things I see or games I play. Mostly it's just to myself, but I guess I'm talking out loud sometimes. I wondered why Dad and Lizzie were looking at me sometimes when I was checking something out online.

Am I the only person who has a constant dialogue going on in their head? I don't think so. Sometimes MT will be in the shower, where I know he's alone, and I'll hear him say, "Yeah," like he's just come up with a brilliant shower thought and he's reinforcing his opinion with a verbal acknowledgment.

It's one thing to have thoughts, but is it something else to talk to yourself about the thoughts?


And now, a Belize factoid of the day:

When I tell people we are going to Belize, by far the most frequently asked question is "Where is that?"

Belize is in Central America, on the Caribbean side. It's south of Mexico, east of Guatemala and north of Honduras. From Dallas, TX, it's about a three hour flight to Belize City.

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