Thursday, March 29, 2012

#668 22 new songs for me

Last night I was extremely tired and went to bed at 9:00. I read for awhile, and the lights were out by 9:30. Why was I so tired? Maybe because the night before I was up late downloading some music!

On my nano that I listen to at work, I have around 1,200 songs. I played the songs straight through, and it took many days because I really only use that iPod in the office. What I found though, when the songs were done and I restarted, was that I needed a few fresh tunes to keep me entertained.

I ended up getting 22 new songs on Tuesday. I bought these from iTunes:

Howlin' for You - The Black's just so catchy!

Lonely Boy - The Black Keys...again, catchy! I may really like this band.

Good Feeling - Flo Rida...whenever I hear this song, I get a good feeling (heehee)

Cult of Personality - Living Colour...iTunes had some $0.69 songs. This was one of them. I've always liked this tune, and you can't really go wrong for 69 cents!

We Are Young - Fun...the "IT" song of the moment, I think. It's on the radio all the time and it's fun to sing along to it. I imagine I look pretty funny when I'm driving and singing along. Your mouth is hanging open quite a lot as you sing, "Toniiiiiiiiiiiiiight/Weeeee are youuuuuuuuuung/We'll set this world on fIIIIre/We can burn brIIIghter/than the suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun" (If you've heard this song, you'll know exactly what I mean).

Send Me On My Way - Rusted's a song from the 69 cents bin. It's a song I liked but I didn't even know who sang it or what it was called. We rode to it in spinning class and I found out the name of the band. I'm a big fan of catchy songs; you'll notice that many of the songs I mention are catchy.

When Will I Be Loved? - Linda Ronstadt - the book I'm currently reading is set in the '70's and in the story, the characters when to a bar and this song was playing on the jukebox. When I read that, I immediately started humming the song and remembering when I was a kid. We had Linda Rondstadt's Greatest Hits, Vol. 2 album. I remember Linda was wearing roller skates and probably a groovy silky jacket and looking really cute. I loved that album, and I really loved this song. Now I can hear it anytime I want!

Luv Me Luv Me - Shaggy...extremely catchy. I can totally see myself riding my bike and listening to this song. I think I'll go fast when I hear this.

Staying Alive - The Bee Gees...69 cents. Totally worth it! Can't you just see Tony Manero strutting down the street at the end of "Saturday Night Fever" when you hear this song? I can, and I like it!

You Should Be Dancing - The Bee Gees...69 cents! I found myself doing that little side-to-side arm twirl thing during this song. Love it!

I got these songs from home-sharing with T. Home-sharing allows people with separate computers in the same house to share music. T has got a lot of music from me, but this is might be the first time I've got music from him. You'll understand when you see the list.

Party Rock Anthem -'s a guilty pleasure.

Stereo Hearts - Gym Class Heroes...I know, it's totally last year, but I started liking it late, when I didn't hear it every 30 minutes on the radio.

Yellow - Coldplay...I love Coldplay, but I don't have this early CD. T actually got this one from MT, and now I have it too.

Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes...what can I say? CATCHY! The start of the song is fantastic.

Red Solo Cup - Toby Keith...I like it! Whenever I put gas in my pick-up truck, I modify the words to this song. It goes like this:
Big orange truck/I fill you up/with gasoline!/with gasoline!
I'm working on more words for my take-off Weird Al style song.

Times Like These - Foo Fighters...I cannot believe I didn't have any Foo Fighters on my iPod. Now I have two because I also got

Learn to Fly - Foo Fighters...Dave Grohl rules!

Yeah 3X - Chris Brown...another good cycling song

Footloose - Blake was there, so I took it.

Halo - Beyonce...I always think I don't like her, but I actually kind of do. I just don't really like to watch her sing and flip her hair around.

Lose Yourself - Eminem - T is VERY into Em right now. I think he has all of his CDs downloaded from iTunes. Lose Yourself is kind of a classic. I love the beat.

Stan - Eminem & Dido...I don't really like this song. I'm not sure why I got it. Maybe because T told to. It's kind of creepy and sad.

OK, now I have to get to bed or I'll be hating myself tomorrow morning.

1 comment:

emtes said...

And you haven't even a H.E.A.T song in there! Their new album "Address the nation" have been getting great reviews especially from newspapers outside Sweden. They have had 9/10 or even 10/10.
I just love the CD. Every song is great and there are no fillers.
If you like rock, melodic rock and a bit like the 80s you will LOVE THIS!
They are on Itunes and Spotify where you can buy them. I don't know if they are released in the US yet.
Anyway have a great weekend and all my love to you and your family.
Puss och kram
Mia :-9