Tuesday, May 1, 2012

#678 May Day

Happy May everyone!

This year I adopted a new hobby. I've been taking a photo every day. In April, I actually skipped a few days. I wasn't feeling well last week and it just didn't even occur to me to take a picture of anything since I was pretty much constantly blowing my nose. (Really. It was red and chapped and it hurt from so much blowing.) I'm glad to say that I'm feeling better today than I felt yesterday and about 1,000% better than I did this time last week.

So to start off our month together, behold today's photo:

This cute little tree is a new addition at work. I nearly walked into it when I was heading out for lunch today. I don't know what kind it is, but his brother now lives on the other side of that walkway you see there in the background.  I hope he grows to be big and shady and nice. And I hope his root-ball was planted deep enough that his roots don't poke out of the grass and cause a tripping hazard, especially when there's snow on the ground and you can't really see the roots.

This is kind of a lame post to start the month, but I hope to do better tomorrow!

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