Hi everyone and Happy February!
Today is Groundhog Day. There's a little creature that lives in Pennsylvania and the legend is that if he sees his shadow on February 2, there will be six more weeks of winter. If he doesn't see the shadow, there will be an early spring. Well, in Pennsylvania, he did not see his shadow. If he lived here in SLC, he definitely would have seen his shadow. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and temperatures were in the mid-30s (kind of, but not really a heatwave compared to what we endured for most of January.)
I personally think that in Utah, we don't need a groundhog to predict more winter. Here's the way I predict if there will be more winter in Utah: if on February 2 I see more than one person wearing shorts and flip-flops, we will most certainly have six more weeks of winter. I'm sad to say that I saw several people sporting the shorts and flip-flops. People! I know it was a cold and awful January, but a little sunshine and (slightly) warmer temperatures do not warrant shorts and flip-flops! Six more weeks of winter for us.
Other than that, today has been a pretty good day. After a long night of sleep (lights out at 9PM, wake up at 6:30AM), I went to the gym and attended the spinning AND the yoga classes. It was my first full yoga class in at least six months. There were a few poses I didn't do. I don't like to be on my knees - the right one doesn't like the pressure, so there was a balancing pose I didn't do. A funny thing was that when I was doing standing balancing poses on my repaired right knee, my right leg was strong and not wobbly. My left leg was really wobbly. Also, my left leg/knee couldn't seem to hold a bent pose for long, but my right leg/knee was great. Regardless, it did feel good to go back to yoga. I admit I am a little sore, though, especially through my shoulders.
I also had a good weigh in over at WW. I lost 1.2 lbs this week! YAY! It was the first loss I've seen for awhile and I felt damn good about it! :D
This afternoon T and I went over to the Jordan Landing shopping area. I bought a wireless mouse for my Chromebook and some random stuff from Target, including the Tazo chai tea latte concentrate. I had some of the delicious substance on Thursday when we had a "drink bar" at work.
Let me tell you about that drink bar really fast. Every month we try to do something fun and different for the people on our admin team. This month, Nicole came up with the idea of a hot drink bar. (No alcohol, but I think that's what inspired the idea!) Nicole brought in different types of hot chocolate mix, milk, creamers, syrup flavors and breakfast treats. We already have coffee and tea at the office. She also brought in this chai latte concentrate. It is served at Starbucks and makes my favorite winter drink. I was excited to learn that the concentrate was sold at Target; one box that has eight servings costs the same as a venti size from the 'Bucks. By the way, the drink bar was a hit!
T and I ate lunch, then I dropped him off at Barnes & Noble while I went to have my monthly maintenance done at the Spa Club. Today I had my usual manicure and brow wax plus I added a skin refresher 15 minute facial. The weather here is so dry, even with all the snow, that it just makes my skin dry and wrinkly and itchy. The mini facial is great. My skin feels wonderful.
After that, we went to Costco and T bought himself a new TV. I don't know if I've ever mentioned how hard T is on his TVs. He plays video games and loses his temper and breaks the TV. This latest TV is number four in the past few years. He only had the TV before this one only lasted about five months before he smashed it. How can such a smart kid do such a dumb thing? We're having some time and game limits on this one. T says that he will take this TV with him to college (that's four years away). MT says he thinks the TV will be broken in six months. I'm hopeful that T has learned his lesson, but he has to prove it.
It seems like Saturday is the day I run around and have a little fun. Sunday I do chores. I've got to get the bills paid and do the grocery shopping early because tomorrow is Superbowl Sunday. It's really an unofficial national holiday. I think there may be a little known amendment to the Constitution that says you must watch at least some of the Superbowl. I'll watch the whole thing, even the half-time show although I can barely stand to look at Beyonce. I don't mind her music, and I think she's pretty but I don't like to watch her.
That's all I've got for today. Here's hoping you all had a good one, too. Go 9ers!

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