Sunday, June 30, 2013

#961 chillin' out on a hot weekend

My weekend was insanely quiet.  On Friday afternoon, MT and T headed up to Idaho for MT's family reunion. Friday night I watched a movie, had a couple of adult beverages and obsessed (just a little) about my job. I also bought myself a new book - something light and frothy for the weekend.

On Saturday morning I seriously considered driving to Idaho to join the boys at the family reunion. I couldn't really think of why I didn't go with them and I was feeling like I should have gone. In the end, though, I stayed home. I was pretty lazy. I watched some soccer and a bunch of movies (three). I also went to the pool. It was freaking hot here - around 105 degress on Saturday and Sunday - and the pool felt so nice. I also indulged in some of the new Haagen-Dazs limoncello gelato. Yum.

Today I've been a little more active. I took Osi for a walk this morning before it was too hot to do so. I did a boatload of laundry. I watched a movie. I went to the pool. I read.

The boys got home safe and sound late this afternoon. This evening T and I watched the BET Awards. It was fun to try to guess who would win. Actually, it was pretty easy because the winners were there, for the most part.

Basically I've had a really chill weekend. Next week we only have three work days because of the Fourth of July holiday. God! I love it when a holiday falls on a Tuesday or a Thursday because you usually get a four-day weekend out of it. I could use it!

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