Saturday, July 13, 2013

#974 not guilty

I don't usually watch the news. It mostly just depresses me, so I avoid it and stick with the sports news (which is also sometimes depressing, as it turns out).

Tonight I was flipping through the channels and I got to CNN and they had a banner along the bottom of the screen that said the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial was expected soon. Even I know who George Zimmerman is. He is the man accused to murdering a 17 year old young man named Trayvon Martin in February of 2012. The jury had three options: second degree murder, manslaughter or not guilty.

Here are the facts: Trayvon Martin is dead and George Zimmerman killed him. The question is whether it was murder/manslaughter or self-defense.

The jury of six women deliberated the facts and came back with a not guilty verdict.

Of course I don't know all the facts, and really no one, except George Zimmerman, will really know what happened that night in February. Martin was unarmed, but there was a scuffle between him and Zimmerman. I think I read that Zimmerman was following Martin; maybe the kid got scared and turned on the guy who was following him and pretended the can of ice tea he was carrying was a gun in his pocket. Who knows?

I just don't know what to think or how to feel. Of course my own thoughts as a mom play into how I'm feeling. I really thought the jury would find Zimmerman guilty and I was surprised. 

This is why I stay away from the news. It just bothers me.

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