Wednesday, July 31, 2013

#989 the end of a dull month

A quick little post to finish up the month.  My left eye is killing me tonight. It was irritated at work; I might have had a lash in there or something because it just felt scratchy all day. The minute I got home, I took out my contacts and my left eye nearly swelled shut. :( I've had a cold washcloth on it for awhile and the lights off because the light really bothers me. My eye is watery and red and so painful to touch.

I think I'll just go to bed and hopefully it will be better in the morning.

One last thing...July has been about the most dull month for me. It's a challenge to think of one fun thing that I did. I'll think about it while I'm lying in the dark and report back.

Gotta go...

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