Saturday, April 28, 2018

#2034 Saturday with Sandy

First things first...the Jazz defeated the Oklahoma City Thunder last night to win the first round series! It was a tense, exciting game that came down to the final minute. The Jazz will play tomorrow against the top seed in the west, the Houston Rockets, in the Western Conference semi-finals.  Exciting!

It was a late start game, so it got over late too. Thankfully it was a Friday night, but today was a busy day and I had to wake up pretty early. It started with the 8:00 Weight Watchers meeting. I was down .6 lb, which dropped me to the next whole number, so I feel good about that.

After the meeting I went to Red Butte Garden. I took a guided tour designed for guides. I have been on several tours over the years and I have learned something new and interesting in every one of them. There is no set script for the tours. Each guide talks about what they like best about the garden and puts some factoids in for good measure. I had not taken a tour of the Water Conservation Garden, even though I have walked through it many times. It was a fine morning to walk through the garden.

I returned a library book, shopped for groceries and cleaned my house. I made some chocolate chip cookies and did laundry. Now I am watching a movie (Cinderella, the live version. So lovely!) As soon as it's done, I'm going to bed.

Happy weekend friends!

1 comment:

Ninius said...

Any day with a visit to the Red Butte Garden is a good day! :)