Tuesday, May 1, 2018

#2036 travel Tuesday

My friends at work who were on the cruise and in Italy, respectively, are back from those trips. I've chatted briefly with them about their vacations. I got the impression that they enjoyed their vacations for the most part, but I also got the impression that they sort of found their vacations lacking in some ways. Maybe I am just projecting because when I like something, I am ALL ABOUT IT. Perhaps I am over-enthusiastic about stuff, so when others aren't as jacked about things as I am, I think they didn't love it.

V went on the cruise.
Me: How did you like the ship?
V: It was nice. I haven't been on any other cruises, so I can't compare it to anything.
Me: Was the food delicious?
V: Yeah, it was good.
Me: How did you like the sting rays?
V: There were four other cruise ships in port that day. It was really crowded.
Me: But the water was nice? Pretty blue right?
V: It was windy, so there were some bigger waves and we couldn't snorkel.
Me: Did you get to snorkel in the Bahamas?
V: Yes, but the snorkeling in Hawaii was better. I think we are destination people, not cruise people.
Me: Yeah, most people are one way or the other. Glad you had fun though.
V: It was nice.

My friend J went to Italy for two weeks.
Me: How was it?
J: It was a little long. I was ready to come home.
Me: What was your favorite thing?
J: Venice.  (He did spend a lot of time talking about Venice, so I think he did really like it there.)
Me: How was Florence?
J: It's like Salt Lake.
Me (in my head): WTF?
Me (out loud): Like Salt Lake except much older and with a huge Duomo. And the David. LOL
J: Yeah.

My sister is currently traveling around Scotland. She's been there three days and seems to be digging it. She bought herself an iPad before she left, so she's been posting stories and photos on her blog. You can read it here.

Happy May everyone! Go Jazz!

1 comment:

Kteach said...

They don't sound too enthused :)