Thursday, September 27, 2018

#2097 my brain melted a little

I spent the whole day listening to the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Judge Brett Kavanaugh. I didn't want to do it, but I couldn't help myself. By the end of the day, I felt like a part of my brain had melted and I had a really, really bad taste in my mouth.

The difference in the way these two people approached the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing could not have been more different. Dr. Ford sounded scared, her voice wavering at times. She was apologetic about not being able to remember some details. She answered all the questions, giving details when asked if she could. She did not stop to cry. She told her story and left it there.

Judge Kavanaugh came in angry. He yelled. He cried. He yelled some more. He interrupted the Senators when being asked questions. He didn't answer the questions directly, but instead reiterated that he had been at the top of his class, that he was an athlete and that he got into HARVARD LAW. He blamed the Democrats for everything.

The single biggest take-away for me was that if Ford had come into the hearing belligerent and angry, yelling and crying, she would have been verbally slaughtered for being hard to deal with, overly emotional, and for having a meltdown. Kavanaugh is applauded for his power and honesty when for all the world it sounded to me like he was the one having the meltdown/temper tantrum. Didn't we understand that HE is the victim here?

Such a fucking double standard. It makes me sick.

Nobody wins in this shit-show.

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