Happy day after Thanksgiving!
We are all back home in SLC. T and I got here first. We had a nice drive. It takes just under three hours to make the trip, but sometimes it feels lots longer than that. When I get home, all I want to do is lay down and that's pretty much what I've been doing since I got here.
For some reason, I have a terrible headache tonight. I think it's because I haven't been drinking enough water for the past couple of days. I'm also still full and kind of uncomfortable. I haven't eaten much today, but it doesn't take much when you're already over-stuffed. Weighing in tomorrow will be brutal, but it has to be done.
Now that Thanksgiving is out of the way, Christmas season can officially begin! That means Christmas music, Christmas decorations, Christmas planning and Christmas shopping! Tomorrow I will download all the Christmas music onto my beloved iPhone and I will play those tunes on shuffle until I can't stand it anymore. There is also a tradition I have to buy at least one new Christmas album every season. This year's new music might very well be the John Legend Christmas album. I like him quite a lot.
The other three things, decorations, planning and shopping will be accelerated because of the trip to Savannah before Christmas. That vacation will take away a valuable weekend, plus I want the house to look pretty and festive when Mom and Lizzie get here on the 12th. That's not very far away! I'm super excited for them to come!
Okay, I think that's all I've got tonight. There's not too much to say, to be honest. It was wonderful to see the family in Idaho and to get out of town for a couple of nights. I'm equally happy to be back home and to sleep in my own bed.
Have a good night!
1 comment:
Not in the Christmas spirit at all yet :(
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