Wednesday, August 14, 2024

#2911 three things; home alone, sleep, and live music

It's been 10 days since I wrote here, so here are three things that defined last week.

 1. Home alone. MT and his brother Kelly spent the past 10 days in Columbia, Missouri. They went there to freshen up a rental property we have there. They thought the work would take a couple of weeks, but by putting in some long hours, they were able to finish it up quickly. They drove straight through yesterday (Tuesday) and arrived here around 12:30 am. It's a 17.5 hour drive.  I guess they were eager to get home! I'm glad MT is back. I didn't mind his absence the first couple days of the week, but then I was ready for him to come home. It's not that I was lonely, but I like having him around. That's what happens after 30 plus years together, I suppose. (Our 31st wedding anniversary is tomorrow!)

2. Sleep. Since I was home alone, I was on family Lyft duty for taking T to and from work. He only had a couple of shifts at FedEx, so it was fine. On Friday and Saturday, he and Jordyn worked at the Das Energy festival at Salt Air. I was thankful Jordyn worked there, too, so they rode together and I didn't have to deal with the festival traffic. Friday night I was so tired, and it was so quiet that I wound up going to bed by 9pm, and I was asleep with ten minutes. I know that T and Jordyn got home around 2:30 am, but only because the dogs went to greet them and I was joggled by Harley jumping off the bed. I went right back to sleep, and the doggos let me be until nearly 8am. I felt so good on Saturday! I like sleeping. 

3. Musical bookends. On Monday the 5th, I had a volunteer assignment at the Stray Cats concert at RBG. Their songs kind of all sound the same, but it's a good same-ness. That rockabilly style is energetic and fun. They sounded great, and it is amazing what a bunch of joyful noise three dudes can make. The crowd was totally into it, dancing and singing the night away. Here's a pic I took:

On Sunday the 11th, I was back at RBG to see Gary Clark, Jr. I think this was the fifth or sixth time I've seen Gary. I really like his music. I was a guest that night because this was the show I chose for my benefit tix for volunteering over 100 hours last year. I had two tickets, but T didn't want to come with me since he was hanging out with Jordyn, and of course, MT was in Missouri. I didn't mind. I go to shows at RBG all the time by myself. This time I packed a couple of beers and some snacks and felt glad I wouldn't have to get my cleanup gear ready during the encore.

Not a bad way to start and end the week, eh, listening to live music outdoors in the summer? I am so fortunate to have these experiences each year. 

I hope your week is going well. It is already the middle of August, can you believe that? The summer has flashed by. I'm looking forward to the autumn for many reasons, so I'm certainly not complaining!

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