Thursday, March 10, 2016

#1621 throwback Thursday reality check

I was looking through old pics for something to post today and I came across this photo of T, myself and my aunt Mia from April 2005.


I spent several minutes thinking about if I wanted to post this photo here. I obviously decided I would post it. It's important for me to remember and acknowledge that time. I should print this out and carry it around with me. I could pull the photo out and look at it whenever I think that watching what I eat and taking the time to go for a walk or go to the gym is too much trouble.  I could pull the photo out and look at it whenever I feel sad or depressed to remind me how far I have come. I could look at it to remind myself that I can never, ever go back to that version of myself.

And to think that it would take me three more years before I helped myself by joining Weight Watchers.


T and Mia look cute and the flowers are pretty.

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