Saturday, October 6, 2018

#2101 Saturday with Sandy

I was a homebody today. The weather forecast called for rain, so I thought it would be a good idea to stay home and clean the house and basically just chill. It didn't rain today, but it was kinda cold and a little windy. It probably would have been a good idea to go up to the Garden to record blooms today, but I have no regrets about staying home. The downstairs is a whole lot better looking and better smelling than it was this morning. I read. I did laundry. I relaxed. I feel good about it.

Kinda boring for a daily recap, but there it is.

Now I'm watching the Utah football game. They are playing at Stanford tonight. So far so good. Utes are up 24 - 7 at halftime. Utah played beautiful football in that first half. Here's hoping they keep it up the rest of the game!

Ooh! MT and I went to a pre-season Jazz game last night. The business admin team had the suite last night. It was great to be back in the arena watching Jazz basketball!

Hope you're all having a great weekend!

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