Thursday, December 6, 2018

#2143 three things: Christmas movies

There are lots and lots of Christmas movies and tonight I am going to list my three favorites. Christmas does not feel right if I don't watch at least these three movies. Here we go, in alphabetical order.

Elf, starring Will Ferrell, is one of the silliest, sweetest movies you can watch. It is the story of Buddy, a human who stows away in Santa's bag as a baby and is raised at the North Pole by Papa Elf (Bob Newhart, enough said). Buddy makes his way to New York City, wearing his super cute elf costume, to find his real dad, played by a super cranky James Caan. Hilarity ensues.

There are so, so many lines from this movie that I use all the time. "Look at you!" "Smiling's my favorite." "Santa! I know him!" "That's fun to say!" Buddy is adorable and sweet and brings out the best in people. This movie makes me smile.

Love Actually is so completely wonderful in all the ways. So many great actors: Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Liam Neeson, Keira Knightly, Colin Firth and Alan Rickman, for god's sake! Lots of different stories that overlap and are connected slightly but just enough to keep it all interesting. Who doesn't love the couple that meets at work, where they are stand-ins for porn stars? And when you find out the guy who is Rick on Walking Dead loves Keira Knightly? I swoon at the story of Colin Firth and the Portuguese woman. When he goes to the restaurant and tries to speak in her language? So sweet!! Of course, little Sam and his dream girl is the best. I must watch this movie immediately. 

White Christmas, a classic song and a wonderful, cheesy musical with a heart of gold. Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen. I know there are other old Christmas movies that other people probably love more (I'm thinking of you, It's a Wonderful Life), but for me, I have to see White Christmas every year. Maybe it's Vera-Ellen's tiny waist and long legs. Maybe it's Rosemary Clooney's voice and perfect hair. Maybe it's Danny Kaye's high-waisted pants. Maybe it's Bing Crosby crooning about counting his blessings while he and Rosemary bond over a cup of buttermilk. The musical numbers are just so great! I truly love them all! I went to see White Christmas at the theater a few years ago; there was a special showing of it on the big screen. Magical.

I know that's three, but I have to mention The Holiday.  It's one of my favorite movies, just straight up.  I will watch it whenever it comes on no matter if it's almost over. It's so sweet and adorable. Kate Winslet is in it! She's so wonderful.

That's it! This weekend, I'm watching these movies. I'd start now, but the Jazz are playing the Rockets and I've got to see at least some of that game.



Mamacita said...

Well I just saw Elf, and is sweet and I even cried a little when everybody was singing at Central Park, I also have seen and loved the other 3 :)

mamacita said...

Oh and National Lampoon Xmas Vacation. It made me laugh.