Sunday, April 23, 2023

#2847 weekly wrap-up

This past week was kind of strange. We had all the types of weather from nice sunshine to a bit of snow to thunder hail. Yes, it hailed and there was big thunder. The hail was pea-sized and it stung when it made contact with a human. I was standing in the doorway taking a short video and got plonked by a hail, and it was unpleasant. 

Speaking of unpleasant, T had a couple of weird-looking splotches on his torso, so we went to Urgent Care to find out it was ringworm. ARGH! The doctor prescribed some medicated cream and it is really working well. No idea how T got ringworm. It is contagious, but neither MT nor I have it, and neither does Jordyn. I'm glad it is going away, though.

Wednesday is a work-from-home day for me, but the internet provider was doing work in my neighborhood last week. In fact, the dude was working on the pole in my front yard, so my internet was going in and out. I didn't even think about using the hot spot on my phone; I just went to the office. It was fine to be there. It's nice and quiet on Wednesday. The downside was that I was a little confused about what day of the week it was the next day. I thought it was Friday when it was really Thursday, and Friday was a total drag! LOL

I recorded blooms on Thursday evening - first time this year. There weren't a lot of blooms, but there was a lot of budding, and I bet this week I will see some more flowers! A squirrel ran right in front of me, and startled me. I damn near broke my ankle coming to a hard stop like I did. Not really, but I did hit my walking brakes pretty hard to I didn't run into the squirrel, or vice versa. The weather was nice that evening, although we'd had a minute of chunky snow rain earlier in the day. The spring weather in the intermountain west is a mixed bag for sure. 

Another fun thing I did this week was participate in a Zoom meeting with the book club. The author Wanda M. Morris joined us for an Author Talk. She was kind and generous with her time, telling us about how she went from a corporate attorney to an author. She's written two novels, and our group has read both of them. Our club leader and sponsor, Ekpe Udoh, is playing basketball in Japan this year for the Kyoto Hannaryz. I love that he continues the book club even when he is playing overseas and the time differences are so stark. In the past few years, he has played in China, Italy, and now Japan, and we still read 15 or 16 books a year. He's really great. Talk about kind and generous. I am fortunate to be involved with his book club.

Because I was working in the office on Wednesday and the Author Talk, I missed participating in the Zoom meeting of the creativity group. I watched the replay on YouTube Saturday morning, though, and had lots of fun. We always do different cool things. This meeting was about finding our style. To do that, we looked at paintings by artists like Chagall, Norman Rockwell, and Picasso, to name a few. Then we painted carrots - no drawing, just painting carrots free-style. I'll have to post a photo of them another time. They were not amazing LOL. I got a little excited and put a couple of the carrots really close together when the paint was still wet and it looks messy and not nice. It's still fun though! 

Here's a couple of art things I did this week:

This one came right out of my own head. I have a tree sort of like this one in my back yard. It doesn't have any leaves on it yet, just a gabillion branches. When I got out to play with the dogs, there are always a bunch of little birdies in the tree. I just see them as dark blobs, so that's what I drew. I liked the way this looks, so I posted it on Facebook and got some really nice comments about it. My BFF LA wants to have it so she can frame it. I decided to draw her a fresh, slightly different version on a piece of cardstock. I think it looks okay, too, and I will send it to her next week. 

The wine glass drawing is in response to a prompt from the creativity group. The prompt was: purple, drink, zodiac sign. I splotched on some purple and pink paint, then added random dots of yellow, because why not. Then I sketched in the "twin" wine glasses using a single line that I went over and over to get the scribbly effect. I enjoyed doing this one and was happy with how it turned out.

This bird on a ball is based on a painting by Chagall called "The Green Bird." Jill the Artist used it as an example and encouraged us to give it our own flair. Here is the Chagall painting:

"L'Oiseau Vert" Marc Chagall, 1962 (poster from Mourlot Studios Chagall Exhibition)

As you can see, we removed the couple in the circle and put our own spin on it. Mine says "Fake it 'til you make it," which is kind of my philosophy on art at the moment.  I like how mine turned out. I thought it was fun to do, and that's what it's all about for me. 

The trip to Europe is getting closer and closer! I intended to take a look at my trip 'fits this weekend, but I didn't get to it. This week for sure, though!  There are a couple of other things coming up this week that I am excited about. Tomorrow, Monday, Red Butte Garden will put the first half of the concert season tickets for sale to the members. I will be right here in front of my computer at 6:45pm  getting ready to purchase tickets when they go on sale at 7pm.  (I'm logging on early to make sure I know where I'm going online. They have changed ticket sellers in the past couple of years. I didn't buy any tickets last year because we were in Rome and I wasn't interested in getting up at 3am to buy tickets.)

On Wednesday, I'll go to a concert volunteer orientation. We review safety protocols, including active shooter information. It seriously makes me sick to think such a thing could happen, but it totally could, so it's good to know where I would go for safety in that event. We also cover less grave situations, but everything feels less grave than an active shooter situation, am I right? After the orientation, my friend Liz and I are going out to get a bite of dinner and catch up. She recently got back from a two week tour of Greece, and I am excited to hear about her trip. 

Take care of yourselves! Wear sunscreen! Do something fun! Read a good book!


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