Wednesday, July 3, 2024

#2906 three things: itchy toe, feed the birds, a peaceful moment


I am enjoying an evening on my own. MT has gone to join his family in Idaho for the 4th of July. T is at work, and the dogs and I are chilling at home. 

1. Itchy toe. Last night the big toe on my right foot began to feel unbearably itchy. It was nearly driving me mad! I could feel bumps on it. Did something bite it? Did my other toe rub against it weirdly inside the shoe? I don't know and getting rid of the itch was difficult. I ended up putting magic Spanish gel, Fenistil, on it, and that calmed it enough to allow me to get to sleep. It started itching again this afternoon, and again, Fenistil took the itch away. I can still feel it, but it is okay and I know how to fix it now. 

2. Feed the birds. I like to watch the birdies eating in my yard. I hang a seed sock in one of the maple trees and delight in the little finches that come to feast. The seed sock was empty, so I went to the store tonight to buy a couple more, one for now and the other to replace it when it's empty. In the future, I will buy a bag of thistle seed, finches preferred food, and refill the socks myself. The seed sock is just a little mesh bag that is about eight inches long. I've seen three finches on it before. They are cute and little! 

While I was at the store, I decided to buy a  bird feeder and some seed. There are lots of sparrows and other birds in the area, and I think it will be fun to watch them come to eat. I hung it in the mulberry tree, replacing the hummingbird feeder I had there. I haven't seen any hummingbirds this year, so I thought it would be ok.

But guess what? Just minutes after I hung the bird feeder, a hummingbird came by looking for his feeder! SAD!! Tomorrow I will go to Lowes to buy another hook for the hummingbird feeder and hang it up in one of the trees. 

3. A peaceful moment. When I was at the store buying bird seed, I decided to get my doggos meaty bones to chew on. They each got one and settled on the grass to gnaw. While they were occupied, I filled the bird feeder and hung it along with the seed sock, then I settled in a chair on the deck, a cold Corona next to me, and started reading a new book. I glanced up to see the dogs looking totally content, glancing at me lovingly. A little sparrow hopped around on the ground where some seed had spilled; the hummingbird seemed annoyed that it's food source had moved. Traffic was light on the street, so it was fairly quiet, and I savored the peaceful moment. It was my favorite part of the day.

Have a safe and happy Fourth of July!

I hung a hummingbird feeder in the mulberry tree, but I didn't ever see any hummingbirds

1 comment:

Kteach said...

itchy toes is annoying and painful, glad the spanish miracle ointment helped!
I used to buy the seed socks but never worked for me (or the birds) but I think i may give it another try :)
Glad you had a nice peaceful time with the doggos and birdies, and the beer :)