Thursday, March 14, 2013

#889 glad to be home

When I'm away from home and I'm done having fun, I just want to get home. It's like that when I go on vacation, even if I really loved where I was and what I was doing. When it's time to go home, let's just get home. That's exactly how I felt this morning.

We were scheduled to meet in the hotel lobby with the group at 11:15 this morning to go to the airport, and our flight was scheduled to leave at 1:45. I woke up from a great night's sleep - no ghosts disturbed my slumber! - around 9:00. I read for a little while, took a nice shower, read some more, played on my phone and finally woke T up around 10:30. It was the longest 90 minutes from the time I woke up until the time he woke up. I wish I could have slept longer, but I couldn't get back to sleep. I packed in about five minutes and I was ready to go, but it wasn't time and T wasn't ready.

We got to the airport around 12:45, so that left lots of time and the Will Rogers World Airport in OKC isn't that big. I think we looked in every shop, but the time just dragged. I do try to make the best of the situation and enjoy where I am, but I admit I was getting antsy.

Bottom line: had a grand old time in Oklahoma! I wish the Jazz had won, but I knew it would be a tough game. It was a fun experience, one I'm sure won't happen again, so I was very grateful to both Granite and the Jazz for the opportunity. :o)

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