Friday, March 22, 2013

#897 T and I do the Harlem Shake

You all know the Harlem Shake, right? If you go to YouTube and type Harlem Shake into the search box, you'll get hundreds of options. I think just about every university has a Harlem Shake video. There's  a Miami Heat version, an army version, random kids do it. The first time I saw a video, T showed it to me. It was a few kids doing naughty-looking hip thrusts against walls and a chair and they were dressed in costumes. I was a little put off. I told him that I hoped I wouldn't see a Harlem Shake video with him and Trent.

It turns out I actually might see that. It would be T and Trent and the rest of the Aladdin Jr. cast. Apparently they did the Harlem Shake at Wendy's after their final performance the other night. T said it was really fun.

And guess what else? I also participated in a Harlem Shake video this week. My experience was at work. About 20 of us got together, put on costumes and danced around our lobby while the camera filmed all the action. The kid who edited the video did a good job. It's pretty funny. I can't post it here at this time because I was asked not to. I'll let you know if and when you can see it.

Here's what I know about myself: when I get into something, I get in with my whole heart and soul. I am extreme. I either love it or I don't. I'm in or I'm not. I usually don't do thing half-way. If it's worth doing, then commit and do it or don't mess with it.

I was all in on the Harlem Shake video. I had on a costume and I danced with wild abandon. I had a blast! It was so fun!

Then I saw the video and I had to conclude that I'm a bit of a buffoon. Maybe I'm just being over-sensitive because that's what happens when you see yourself on video. I have obsessed about this stupid 60 second video for a couple of days. Unless you know it's me, you probably wouldn't know it was me. You can't see my face and I'm wearing a wig. But I know and i'm clown-ish. My part gets a big laugh and that's ok. I just hope they are laughing with me and not so much at me :o)

I think I'm getting too old for this kind of thing.

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