Wednesday, May 8, 2013

#923 I can't just listen

Here's something I have learned about myself: I can't just listen to music. I must sing. I'm driving in my car, I've got the radio on, I flip around the channels until I find a song I can sing along to. I'm in my office, I have the tunes playing from my iPod on my little speaker, I sing along. People make fun sometimes. My habit may even annoy some people, but they haven't said anything yet. I try to keep it mostly quiet, but I'm sure there are times when I don't realize my own volume.

What do you think that's all about? It is nearly impossible for me not to sing along. If I don't know a song, I will either skip past it, or play it over and over until I do know it.

Sometimes I'll just start with learning the back-up words (I wrote about my penchant for back-up singers awhile ago) then I'll learn the words to the whole song. That's been my tactic with The 20/20 Experience by Justin Timberlake. There are 12 songs on the CD and I know about half of them. I really enjoy those six songs. I'm sure the other six are nice, too, but the six I know are fantastic!

My other current favorite CD is The Heist by Macklemore and Ryan Lewis. I love love LOVE Macklemore and The Heist is an amazing CD. I'm not much of a rapper, but I can rap along with one or two songs and I can definitely sing all the hooks. I probably listen to this CD more than I've listened to any other CD for a long time. It's phenomenal.

Here's the other thing - if I'm not in the mood to sing (very rare), then I will actually turn off the radio or turn to sports talk radio. I do enjoy the sports talk radio quite a lot. It would be a fun job to talk about sports for three or four hours a day. I think I could do it, or at least take part in it.

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