Friday, May 24, 2013

#939 happy birthday MT!

Today is my husband's birthday. Although he has said that he has never read this blog, I'm going to write about him anyway by sharing this pic:

This is the May pic in the calendar :)

This photo was taken in San Pedro, Belize at the restaurant Wild Mango's. We had been told that the restaurant was very good, but that you needed a reservation. One night it was raining like crazy, but we hopped into the golf cart and rode to town. Wild Mango's is one of the first restaurants you come to on Front Street, and there was parking right by it, so we decided to try it.

Many of the restaurants there are open air - there are no walls. The restaurant did have their rain "walls" down: large plastic walls that keep out the rain but blow in (or out) with the breeze. The restaurant was not busy, but most of the tables were wet. We were lucky to get three seats at the bar, so we settled in for our meal.

Dinner was so good! If I remember right, MT had a fish dish. You can't go wrong with fresh seafood. That fish had been swimming earlier in the day! T had a shrimp pasta alfredo dish. It was huge and he ate the entire thing. I may have tasted one noodle. I had the cochinita pibil. This is a dish that I first had near Coba, Mexico. It's pork that is cooked in banana leaves along with various spices until is is easily shredded and tender and flavorful. It's typically served with beans and rice and tortillas. It's one of my favorite dishes. (I'm fortunate that the Mexican restaurant down the road features cochinita pibil. The owners are from the Yucatan region.)

As you can see, we also had drinks. I probably had a Belikin beer - the official beer of Belize and one of the tastiest in the Caribbean. T drank at least one Sprite, but probably two. MT had a large, spectacular pina colada, complete with an umbrella. You can see that he is very pleased.

Man, that was a fun trip!

See the man sitting next to MT wearing a striped shirt? He and his wife were from Albuquerque, NM. I think her name was Sandy. We chatted with them during dinner and we bumped into them in a town a couple of times. Then we were all on the same flight back to Belize City and the US. They were very nice.

Did I mention it was quite rainy that night? T came up with an idea to protect himself from the rain:

Silly kid!

Anyway, here's wishing my sweetheart a happy birthday with many more to come. I love that guy!

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