Saturday, July 6, 2013

#967 yoga, new contacts and laziness

Things have been pretty quiet around here today. I did get up and go to the gym this morning. I went to the cycling class and to yoga. Man, yoga was so hard for me! I had to just sit quietly for awhile. My balance isn't very good and neither is my strength, I guess. It was the first time I'd tried a yoga class in several months. I guess you don't just get right back into the same form you used to have.

I have missed yoga a lot. The benefits of doing yoga are balance, flexibility and strength, all of which are lacking in me currently. The thing with yoga is that the best thing you can do is listen to your body and not make any judgements. You do what you can do. So even though I felt lame sitting there while the rest of the class went through the positions, I didn't feel bad because I only did what I could do. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

Other than going to the gym, the only other place I've gone today is to the eye doctor. He said I'm done taking my drops and he said that the thing he is seeing on my eye is corneal scarring and I have it on both eyes. I have another appointment with him next Saturday where he will enlarge my pupils so he can get a good look inside there to see what's going on. There's a word for it; starts with a D, can't think of it right now. I don't like it, but I guess I've got to do it.

He also fitted me with new contacts. With the new lenses, the right eye sees good up close and the left eye sees good far away. I better not accidentally put the left lens in the right case or the right lens in the left case. That would mess me up! It's kind of weird, but I don't need my "cheaters" when I read or look at my beloved iPhone, so that's kind of cool.

Other than those two things, I haven't done a damn thing today except read and sleep. I feel kind of weird about that. I'm used to going, going, going. I could be doing some housecleaning, but I don't want to. I tried to watch a movie, but I fell asleep and ended up laying down on my bed and taking a long nap. Even now, at 8PM, I'm thinking it wouldn't be bad to crawl between the sheets with my book.

Does that make me incredibly lazy?

Dilation! That's what the eye doctor will do to my pupils! I knew it would come to me. I didn't even have to look it up; it just came to me.

Wow, what a dumb post. I'm out...

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