Wednesday, March 4, 2015

#1381 second class of the month is done

I was back at the gym tonight. I did a spinning class. I was pretty sore all day, but once I got on the bike, everything kind of loosened up and I felt good. The instructor was a lady that I have taken classes from before, but a couple of years ago, and I was surprised that she remembered me. I told her that I'd been on a lengthy "sabbatical" from the gym and it was only my second day back. She told me to go at my own pace and that she knew I would be fine. It was good encouragement. I rode pretty hard for about 40 minutes, then I was out of gas. I kept pedaling and breathing hard, but kept a pretty easy pace and resistance level. It was the right thing for me because I felt good after the class.

Even though my muscles have been sore (and now my bum area will be tender from that bike seat!), it feels good to get back into some physical activity! I think classes are definitely the right thing for me. I know they will be an hour long and I don't have to think about what to do. Someone tells me and I do it to the best of my ability.

1 comment:

Kteach said...

Good job, getting back into exercising :)
Love your new blog look too.