Sunday, March 24, 2024

#2889 relaxing weekend

Why do weekends pass so quickly?! How can it be Sunday night already? <<SIGH>> 

On Thursday, I was attacked by a migraine headache. It started out as a wee, low-key pain in my head and very quickly morphed into a vise-grip, eye-watering, nausea-inducing, dizzying hellscape. I was at the office when it came on. There has been some remodeling and painting happening, and I find that the smell of paint is a trigger for me. (Not watercolor paint, though, thankfully!) I came home from work and climbed into bed, pulling the sheets up around my head to block out as much light as I could. I laid (layed, lie??) there for awhile practicing deep breathing, trying to relax myself. Eventually I fell asleep, and when I woke up, the headache and nausea were gone, but I was still a little dizzy and didn't feel totally like myself. That feeling lingered into Friday. That day, I worked at the office until noon, then came home to finish up the day. MT was meeting with our CPA to prepare the 2023 taxes, and I stay home so I can answer questions that might come along that I need to get on my home computer for. After work, I napped some more.

Saturday I felt pretty good. I really wanted to clean the house. It was in bad shape and needed a little care. I only got the main floor done, then I took a nap. When I got up, it was dark and rainy. It was soggy and gray all weekend, and I didn't venture far from home yesterday or today. It felt good to be home. 

The trips to Dixon will be winding down after next month, I think. We will have three more days of estate sale action, then whatever is left will be donated or trashed.  The plan is to stay a total of five days, run the sales for shorter time spans, and use the extra time to load up dumpsters. The whole endeavor has been bittersweet. The most interesting thing about the process has been the reaction of people who come into the house. I can't overstate how much STUFF was in the house. Almost every single person who has come in has said something about needing to pare down their own possessions so their family doesn't have to do what we are doing. I kinda like to think of the house as an inspiration, like don't-let-this-happen-to-you inspiration.

What's coming up this week? I don't have that much going on just yet. Jill the Artist has a workshop on Thursday afternoon that I'd like to attend. It's at 4:00 my time, so hopefully I can leave the office a little early, but if not, Jill records her workshops so I can watch it later. I'd like to go to Trader Joe's this week. It's been awhile and I'm out of some staples like mac & cheese, rice, and tuna. Actually, I made a list today and it is big. Sunday is Easter. It isn't a big event at our house. If the weather is nice, I'd like to go for a quick bike ride. The forecast looks like it might be soggy all week, though. Oh yeah, and it's time for my seasonal clothing swap. Sweater weather is over! I'll keep a few lighter weight sweaters out for days like today, but the heavy sweaters get to go in storage for a few months. YAY!

To finish off the weekend, here is some art I made this week. Jill's prompt was to use black and white, and make something with color as the main thing. I'm not sure I really followed the instructions, but I had a lot of thoughts, so I made four things:

It was fun. I've been really into zen-type doodles lately, like the one in the lower right-hand corner. I'll pick a few to show you next time. I have them in a separate little sketch book. 

Okay, that's it! Have a good week. Be safe out there!


1 comment:

Kteach said...

I'm glad the migraine went away!
Like your drawings, the one you say is Zen, I was making that type when I went to elementary school, it was fun. I wish I had kept some.