Thursday, January 3, 2008

fun with the Jazz

Last night T and I went to watch the Jazz take on the Philadelphia 76ers. We were able to watch the game from the suite and it was, of course, sweet! The game was exciting, close all the way. The Jazz would pull ahead by 10 points, only to have the 6ers get back to within 4 or 5 points. Cute Kyle Korver made a bunch of free throws at the end, though, to save the day for the Jazz, 110 - 107.

Korver came to the Jazz from the 76ers when he was traded with Gordan Giracek. That meant the Gira was in the house (the ESA) last night. Boy, did he get booed! It's true what was said on the radio in the post-game show: if you are not with us (the Jazz), you are against us. Gira was ok when he was here, but he never seemed to get along with the coach, and it seems that around here, Jerry Sloan is the Man. It's been 2 games since Korver has been here and he's already quite a fan favorite, especially with the ladies - at least the ladies in my office. People were chanting his name last night. He's not the best guy on the team, but hopefully he'll continue to add to the team with the great outside shooting.

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