Saturday, September 8, 2012

#760 "The Words" and Bradley Cooper

T and I went to see the movie The Words this afternoon. We both really liked it. The acting was good and the story was very good.

T likes almost all types of movies. He likes movies with action, but he appreciates a good plot. He can totally get into movies where there isn't any action sequences and he gets involved with the characters. We talked about movies a little on our way home. He said he was kind of surprised by how much he liked The Words. I said that there are so many different kinds of movies. Some are big and full of action; some are quiet and thoughtful and make you feel quiet and thoughtful and it's good to have the variety.

Now can we talk about Bradley Cooper for a minute please?

Look at him. He's cute, right? Pretty blue eyes, nice smile, good hair. The thing is, I always look at his chin and it's not good for me. It's too pointy. Call me crazy, but I like a chin that's a little more square. But he's good. People magazine named Bradley Cooper as the Sexiest Man Alive this year and they would know, right?

Then I remember how Bradley looked in the film I saw last weekend, Hit and Run. Not a pretty sight. Not sexy.

How is this even possible? Keep it clean, Bradley!

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