Sunday, March 17, 2013

#892 my thoughts on Magic Mike

I'm going to write early tonight because I have a terrible sinus headache and I feel like absolute crap. I've been taking medicine all day, and it works for about an hour or so, then I get all stuffy and miserable again. The problem seems to be centered directly under and behind my left eye. Ugh. I feel terrible. :(

Since the most comfortable position is sitting down in an upright position, I decided to watch a movie. The movie I had from Netflix was "Magic Mike", you know, the male exotic dancer movie with Channing Tatum and Matthew McConaughey.

Confession time:

1) I don't really like Matthew McConaughey. He just doesn't do it for me. I really didn't like him in this movie. His hair looked awful. Yes, his body was lean and nice, but he was just scuzzy.

2) I do like Channing Tatum. I've pretty much liked him in all the movies I've seen him in. I liked him in this movie. He wasn't as scuzzy as the other dudes.

3) I have never been to an male exotic dance show. I don't think I would like it. I had a hard time watching the club scenes in the movie. I don't think I'm a prude, necessarily, I just don't like that much sexuality, I guess. I wasn't offended, and I don't think women who like the dancers are icky, I just don't think it is for me.

Overall, I didn't really care for this movie. Like I said, I liked Channing Tatum and I liked the girl, Cody Horn (Adam's sister), but other than that, not so much.

That's all I've got for today. I want to feel better because I've got a big week o'fun coming up full of birthday celebration, junior high theater and men's college basketball. YAHOO!!

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