Tuesday, April 2, 2013

#906 spring break, break-in update and breaking up at work

T has gone to visit his grandparents this week. I'm glad that he could go because I know it is nice for all of them to spend a little quality time together.

What did MT and I do tonight? Well, when I got home (late) from work, we went over to the rentals and picked up this month's rent, then we went to a Mexican restaurant in the rental neighborhood and had some dinner. I've been craving a smothered burrito and this place, La Hacienda, has a good one. The burrito is smothered in chili verde with big chunks of tender pork. YUM!

Now I'm really full and getting ready to go to bed, but I wanted to check in first to let you know that all is well.

We are still dealing with the aftermath of the break-in. I am in the process of completing a list of items and the approximate value of the items for the insurance company. I didn't work on it tonight, but I spent a lot of time on it yesterday. I should finish and send it tomorrow. Also on the agenda for this week is to send requests for new birth certificates and to check to see if any credit has been opened in T's name. Since he is a minor with no credit history, I have to send, by mail, requests to put fraud alerts on is credit. It's crazy, but that's what I saw on the credit websites. GRR. 

Last night when I was making the insurance claim list, I felt so sad. I had a pearl necklace that my grandfather had given my grandmother when they were married. The pearls were beautiful, natural  pearls with the most gorgeous color. I rarely wore them, because, really, where am I going to wear something like that? Now I am so wishing that I had had a wild hair last Wednesday and worn the pearls to work. I hadn't had them valued or anything, and my mom and I were trying to figure out a value for them, not that I will get that amount from the insurance company. What makes me so sad is that they were my grandmother's pearls. She had given them to my mom, and my mom gave them to me, and now they are gone because some scumbag asshole broke into my house, pawed through my drawers and found my grandmother's pearls. I'm mad AND I'm sad.

SNIFF SNIFF. Wiping a tear.

I've had a crummy week at work, too. A week ago Monday, one of the ladies in our department just quit. No good-bye, just a note saying she was out of there. (I later learned that a senior manager told her to go and not bother with a notice. I'm not exactly sure what the deal is, but that's that.) Then this Monday, yesterday, the other lady (a temporary employee that we intended to hire permanently) decided she didn't want to work there either and just didn't come in. Again, no notice. Is there something wrong with our department? I don't think so, but we will check with the rest of the group to make sure everything is ok.

I hate work drama. I've got enough stuff going on in my life without work drama!

Anyway, now we're looking for two people to work in the Accounts Receivable department. We just had the space remodeled and it looks great. In the meantime, it's quarter-end close and we have to figure out how to put in our month and quarter end billings on top of our regular work. (By we, I mean Kelsie and me.) We don't know much about the new software for AR. We're going to learn some new stuff this month! Hopefully we can hire some people, but I'm not sure who will train them since both AR people decided they couldn't work with us anymore. GRRR

Ok, that's all I am writing tonight. I am going to go practice my rap flow. I'm getting pretty good at "Thrift Shop."  ;o)

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